Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intro to Hardwood Matters...

This first entry is just to let you know what the intentions of my Blog are about.

I do not Claim to be an Expert in any sense of the word in the field of Hardwoods. However I am a sales rep for a Hardwood Moulding Manufacturer and it is a big part of my day to day routine. My plan is to research every topic I blog about, in order to grow as a sales rep. If you Disagree with the information I have set on your computer Monitor I invite you to correct me. I will research your argument and if I find that I am incorrect, I will dedicate the next entry in my Blog to correct my mistake.

The whole idea of my Blog is not to come off like a "know it all", but rather to open dialect in and about the industry I have chose to make a career in. I hope to touch on everything from new products, key people, and the economic status of our industry.

So I invite you to join me. Comment and give me your feedback. Your opinions, thoughts and education on subjects are welcome.